Treasury and ALM

Treasury and ALM

Never before has it been so important for bankers – at all levels and in all roles – to understand the complexities of banking in the 21st century, to be aware of how their role fits in, to comprehend the big picture, and to identify problems before they become serious.

The ACF Academy seminars in Treasury and ALM do just that. Using ACF’s sophisticated Global Banker simulation within a realistic and detailed scenario, the seminars show delegates how to develop effective solutions to today’s problems and strategies to ensure that their bank maintains profitability.

Upcoming Events

Event Dates Location
Bank ALM – A Practical Approach Bank ALM – A Practical Approach
Participants attending this practical ALM seminar will learn how to meet the strategic challenges that banks and their ALCOs face in today's environment.
26 Aug 2024 - 28 Aug 2024 New York
Bank ALM – A Practical Approach Bank ALM – A Practical Approach
Participants attending this practical ALM seminar will learn how to meet the strategic challenges that banks and their ALCOs face in today's environment.
12 Nov 2024 - 14 Nov 2024 London